Leon Faucher in Manchester

 Faucher was a French politician and economist who, after his visit to Manchester in 1844, published an account of life of the working classes in the city. 

Leon Faucher, Manchester in 1844, Present Condition and Future Prospects, (Manchester: Abel Heywood, 1844)

Leon Faucher on Prostitution

‘A proof that the prostitutes do not give much trouble to the police in Manchester, may be found in the fact, that their number is scarcely ascertained in the police reports, without which we can hardly form an idea. Thus, the report of 1840.

Report of 1840

285 houses of ill fame inhabited by 629 prostitutes

Around 1,500 prostitutes in total

‘Prostitution for money has little scope amongst the inferior classes, where clandestine connexions are so common; and where chastity, instead of being the rule amongst the females, tends more and more to become the exception.’ P.42 – This highlights both Barton’s and Jem’s harsh rejection of Esther.

Police Report of the year 1843

Number of brothels, 330.

Bedrooms, 722 containing 973 beds.

Prostitutes occupying these brothels 701.

However, these numbers given an inaccurate account of the women who worked as prostitutes alongside their main jobs. ‘a large number of females who work in factories, and also, of dress-makers, umbrella-stichers, stock, cravat… who resort to this practice, to eke out the deficiencies of their ill-remunerated labour.’ P.42

‘our standing army has a most pernicious influence on the public morals. Prostitution is always more rife in garrisoned places than in any others, except sea-ports; where their pernicious influence is aggravated by the dissoluteness of the seafaring portion of the population.’ – links to Esther’s fiancé who was an officer.



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